Word Plan for Community Culture That Will Support Families in the School/district

Agile family and customs engagement—the third pillar of community schools—is essential to fostering relationships of trust and respect, edifice the capacity of all stakeholders and the school, creating empowered decision-making processes, and leveraging local resources and expertise to address educational inequities. Customs schools prioritize meaningful and ongoing engagement of families and customs members and constitute the systems, structures, and supports to make it happen. Educators and other staff at community schools understand that engagement happens on a continuum—from partnering with parents to develop and promote a vision for student success, to offering courses, activities, and services for parents and customs members, to creating structures and opportunities for shared leadership. Families and community members, for their part, experience welcome, supported, and valued as essential partners

Why Emphasize Active Family and Customs Appointment?

Decades of research and feel underscore the importance and positive touch of ongoing and accurate engagement. Meaningful mechanisms for family unit and community engagement, led by welcoming and culturally informed teachers and schoolhouse staff, tin strengthen the school community, build positive relationships and schoolhouse climate, and improve student outcomes on many measures, including omnipresence, subject area, and academic achievement. Families who are supported by the school to sympathize academic goals and strategies are meliorate able to back up student learning—both inside and outside of the classroom. Similarly, schools that are able to engage families and communities in meaningful ways benefit as the staff gain access to new and important funds of knowledge that tin can support teaching and learning efforts and deepen appointment and community-building efforts. The school organization, for its role, gains important advocates, such as for deeper investments, equally families and community members understand and back up strategic goals and see themselves every bit vital partners in schools' success.

Partnering with families and community members on the front of the community schools implementation process is critical to developing a full understanding of the strengths and challenges of the community and determining the appropriate mix of services, supports, and opportunities. For example, when families and community members participate in the assessment of needs and assets, they provide insight into the root causes of bug facing the community and are also invested in the shared vision created for student and school success.

School-based strategies to engage families and communities in depression-income neighborhoods should be informed by historical challenges to meaningful involvement. These challenges include administrators and educators who have often not made schools welcoming places for families from diverse backgrounds or offered programs that support and address diverse cultural backgrounds. In addition, families in depression-income areas often deal with other impediments to full participation in school life, such every bit language barriers, inflexible piece of work schedules, and reliance on public transportation.

Collaboration doesn't guarantee understanding, but information technology tin assist draw out and create dialogue near existing tensions. Through collaboration, stakeholders can build the trust and respect that is needed to make large changes. Customs schools can assist address these and other challenges by streamlining admission to services, making schools safe and welcoming spaces for all families and community members, and scheduling programs, courses, and meetings at times that allow the broadest participation.

In Redwood City, CA, the community schools offering a range of programs and services to support and engage families, including parent leadership coaching, courses to learn English and develop computer skills, volunteer opportunities, and social events for families, such every bit flick nights. These serve to increment wide-based family participation in schools, which has contributed to improved school and student outcomes. I written report, for example, found that the supplemental programs at the district's community schools reached more 70% of the families of enrolled students and generally served the most socioeconomically disadvantaged students.xx Students whose families were engaged in these schools were more likely to show gains in English language development and mathematics and were more than likely to demonstrate positive attitudes well-nigh their school.21 These results are consistent with long-term research in Chicago schools that demonstrate the importance of collaborative family and community date in schools for increasing trust betwixt stakeholders, every bit well every bit improving school climate and attitudes almost school.22 Improvements in these areas tend to lead to other positive outcomes for students and schools, such as higher attendance and achievement rates and increased reports of students reporting feeling supported.

Parent Teacher Home Visits (PTHV) is a parent engagement strategy focused on building trusting and respectful family unit-teacher relationships. Started in Sacramento, CA, the PTHV model is now used in schools in 24 states and is rooted in five core practices: ane) visits are voluntary for both families and teachers; 2) educators receive preparation and are compensated for their fourth dimension; 3) visits are conducted with all students—or a cross-section—rather than targeting specific students (such as for behavioral reasons); 4) the first visit focuses on understanding the hopes and dreams of families, rather than on academic outcomes; and five) educators visit in pairs and reverberate with their partners after each visit. Visits using this model can provide a foundational shift in relationships that contribute to amend outcomes for students. In one study, dwelling house visits corresponded with a decrease in students' schoolhouse absences by 24%. In another, students and their families reported an increase in how much they trust their educators, which led to improved communication beyond the initial visit. Teachers involved in domicile visits reported a mindset shift in how they regard students', families', and communities' assets as well every bit an increase in teachers' perceptions of job satisfaction and efficacy.

The recent national focus on increasing family and community engagement, such equally the engagement requirements of the Every Educatee Succeeds Human activity (ESSA) and the Department of Education's promotion of the Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family unit-School Partnerships, is encouraging. However, building the capacity of educators and school staff is a prerequisite for designing and implementing effective engagement strategies. So, likewise, is building relationships of trust and respect between home and school, specially in schools in culturally various or low-income neighborhoods.23 In more flush communities, family and community members often have the social capital and understanding of how school systems work and engage in a range of activities that aid to support schoolhouse improvement and student learning. Because families in more affluent communities experience few, if whatever, of the impediments to participation mentioned—and frequently accept more of a built-in safety cyberspace and basic support structure—they can more than easily engage with their children'due south educational experiences.

Policies that support schools, families, and communities to piece of work together can help close achievement and opportunity gaps. To move beyond a history in many low-income communities in which family and community input was not valued or incorporated, appointment processes must transport the articulate bulletin that stakeholders' participation and contributions are valued and reinforce this message with sufficient resourcing and staffing.

The Need is Great and Public Support is Strong

A 2015 national survey past Gallup underscores the need for deeper investments in family and community engagement and highlights particular practices that can enable parents to play an active part in the school. The study institute that only 23% of parents strongly agreed that they participated in classroom and schoolhouse activities, and just 41% strongly agreed that their child's school provided a variety of ways for parents to become involved. Merely twenty% of parents in the study were fully engaged with their child's school, as Gallup measured engagement; 23% of parents were "actively disengaged" with the school their child attended.

Merely lack of engagement doesn't mean lack of interest. In fact, when schools utilize a variety of "drivers" to back up parent appointment, more parents get involved, according to another 2015 Gallup survey. Specifically, the survey identified five fundamental drivers that support parent engagement: i) leadership that creates a respectful, open, and trusting surroundings; ii) opportunities for each student to achieve success in means that fits how he/she learns best; three) an temper in which students are treated with respect and receive appropriate discipline; 4) a personalized learning environment where teachers and staff know each child's individual strengths and needs; and 5) meaningful and open communication between parents and teachers. When surveyed, parents were very satisfied with at least one of these five drivers; 58% were fully engaged. When parents were satisfied with all of the 5 drivers, 84% were fully engaged and none were actively disengaged.

Policy Principles

Family and community date should be a cardinal element of every community schoolhouse policy. Many states and localities take implemented a variety of policies and funding streams that support family and community date. The discussion and principles that follow depict from the best policies on family and community date—whether they are stand-alone or office of a comprehensive customs schools approach.

The effectiveness of family and community engagement programs depends on the quality of the policy blueprint and implementation. The principles that follow build upon existing resources and the research-based principles discussed in the Learning Policy Institute and National Didactics Policy Middle study, Community Schools as an Constructive School Improvement Strategy: A Review of the Evidence. To accelerate authentic engagement, policies should be designed to ensure the post-obit:

  1. Structures and practices in schools support a continuum of family and customs engagement practices, such as help for parents in supporting the needs of students, classes for families and customs members, volunteer opportunities, inclusion on school leadership teams, and leadership coaching to support their full participation.

  2. Teachers and schoolhouse staff have opportunities to value and larn from the experiences of parents and communities, seeing them every bit having "funds of knowledge" that can inform classroom practices and curriculum, making them more relevant to students' cultural backgrounds and experiences. This, in turn, fosters stronger relationships with parents and families.

  3. School staff and leaders accept opportunities to develop their chapters to build trusting, collaborative relationships with families and community members, recognize grade and cultural backgrounds as having important assets for the school, and share power and responsibility.

  4. Families and community members are engaged at all steps of the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the community schools strategy.

  5. District leadership and facilitation support schools as they implement programs and attain out to families and community members.

  6. Trusted partner organizations participate in building potent relationships that are key to the strategy and of import for its effective implementation.

Policy Types and Examples

States and localities have used different policy mechanisms to back up family and community engagement. Below are examples of different types of policies that contain fundamental family unit and community engagement principles, both on their own and as function of a comprehensive community schools strategy.

State Policies

Several country governance bodies have enacted measures that provide a solid foundation for family and customs date programs and practices. These include policies that promote and crave engagement, qualify and define family unit and customs engagement, provide incentive grant programs, offering an increased formula funding, and back up professional development and technical assistance.

Additionally, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes several family appointment requirements. States were required to have meaningful consultations with parents before submitting their ESSA plans, including opportunities for public comment. Districts, for their function, must also consult with parents on the plans they submit to the state. In addition, districts must reserve at least i% of their Championship I funding for family appointment activities, such every bit outreach and capacity-building at the school level. Ninety pct of these funds must go to school sites, prioritizing loftier-needs schools.

The Every Student Succeeds Human action (ESSA) includes several family date requirements.

State policies, ordinances, and resolutions

  • California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which was signed into law in July 2013, includes parent engagement as ane of 8 land priority areas and requires parent, educatee, and stakeholder engagement in developing commune plans and budgets. Inquiry studies on implementation of these new requirements prove that districts employing a broad variety of techniques to engage students and families were more effective in their outreach, every bit were those that partnered with community-based organizations to increase the turnout and diversity of parents and students. A February 2018 study on implementation of LCFF identified meaningful stakeholder engagement as central to the effectiveness of improvement strategies in each of the three districts profiled. The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence has partnered with parent and educatee organizations to offer learning communities to build the capacity of districts to meaningfully engage a broad cross-section of students, parents, and customs members. Among the characteristics of meaningful district-level appointment were: leadership opportunities for historically marginalized communities; transparent decision-making processes; sustained appointment throughout the planning and implementation stages; collaboration with outside partners to bring in more than resource and perspectives to amplify the voices of previously marginalized people.24

  • An innovative approach to family and community appointment can be seen in Colorado legislation that adopted the PTA National Standards as the state family engagement framework. The legislation assists educators and families by coordinating early literacy strategies as well as career and academic plans. In 2009, the General Assembly also created a state advisory council for parent interest in education that will review best practices and recommend to policymakers and educators strategies to increment parent involvement in public education.25 This council, according to state law, includes parents and statewide organizational representatives and advises on best practices.

  • In Washington, the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee, created during the 2009 legislature to address the land's achievement gap, embedded parent, student, and community appointment into its design. The committee was charged by RCW 28A.300.136 with synthesizing the findings and recommendations from five achievement gap studies into an implementation plan and and so recommending policies and strategies. The land legislature implemented the 2015 recommendations in 2016 in the Fourth Substitute House Bill 1541. The 2017 annual study of the committee further supported family and community appointment and outreach. Its recommendations to the legislature included: allocating boosted funds to support a multiyear statewide family unit appointment workgroup and adopting the Office of Education Ombud'due south four recommendations on family and customs engagement. The committee besides directed school districts to reach out to families and communities when creating and implementing cultural competency grooming programs.

Board of instruction resolutions

Country boards of teaching may issue a policy or resolution in support of collaboration in community schools. While these resolutions tend to be shorter and less detailed than legislative bills, they tin can help in expressing state support for family unit and community engagement and lay the groundwork for the evolution of more specific policy documents to follow at the country or local level. This arroyo does not, however, provide direct funding for family and community date or other elements of community schools, which tends to be the nearly powerful policy lever to support meaningful modify.

  • The West Virginia Land Customs Schools Policy, adopted in 2014, defines and provides guidance for implementing and maintaining sustainable community schools. The document specifies that community schools should strive to have both community and family engagement. It elevates the critical nature of family unit and customs date and notes that community schools "consistently and sustainably increase parent participation in the education of their children and in their schools by empowering families." The policy further describes community schools as hubs and cultural centers of many neighborhoods and chiefly describes engagement equally the central factor that differentiates community schools from schools that but provide wraparound services.

Local Policies

At the local level, the following policies were selected as exemplars because they include a comprehensive definition of family and community engagement, demonstrate a range of possible ways of implementing this strategy, clearly define next steps for different individuals or groups responsible for implementing family and community engagement programs and strategies, and lay out clear parameters regarding effective collaboration among stakeholder groups.

Schoolhouse board resolutions for family and customs appointment

  • In October 2016, the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners created the Community Schoolhouse Strategy, which states, "The Board supports a Community School Strategy continuum that creates school environments that are welcoming and led by an integrated belief system that transmits to students and families pride, opportunity, and high expectations through the collective efforts of youth, parents, businesses, religion communities, and community organizations." Equally role of this strategy, at the cease of the year, schools must written report on a number of outcomes, including community appointment/partnerships, using such indicators as service learning opportunities and hours and the number and quality of partnerships. The strategy says that the board and city school staff will engage families and customs members in supporting the community schools' functioning and expresses an intention to expand the strategy statewide.

Cincinnati has all-encompassing feel...in engaging youth, families, and community members through its Community Learning Centers.

  • Cincinnati has extensive experience (every bit explained in Affiliate ii) in engaging youth, families, and customs members through its Community Learning Centers. The Board of Education passed a Customs Learning Middle (CLC) policy in 2009, converting schools into CLCs and providing them with a resource coordinator to supervise the needs assessments and manage service agreements with community partners. Today, 46 of 63 of the schools are CLCs. As part of a community involvement policy adopted in 1981, Cincinnati as well established Local School Decision Making Committees (Board Policy 9142) that include parents and community members and take broad responsibilities and authorities, including budgeting, hiring, and partner choice. These policies, which take continued over decades, demonstrate a deep commitment to maintaining meaningful family and community engagement within a community schools-oriented commune.

  • In May 2017, the Los Angeles Unified School District passed a board resolution endorsing community schools as a research-backed strategy for school comeback and community development. The resolution defines authentic family unit and community appointment equally "The full community actively participates in planning and decision-making at each school site. This process recognizes the link between the success of the school and the development of the community as a whole." It lays the foundation for date and partnership by establishing a Community School Implementation Team that includes a broad cross-section of members, including community and business partners, customs-based organizations, and representatives of the teachers' spousal relationship and commune staff.

District strategic plans

  • The Austin Independent Schoolhouse District (AISD), equally part of the AISD Strategic Program, has a Parent Appointment Support Part that works to create collaborative school cultures that engage parents, families, students, teachers, staff, and community members. The district's strategic goals include building chapters for parent leadership, identifying resources to support parents and families, conducting outreach to parents, offering education programs for parents, and offer professional development to deepen the capacity of AISD staff to piece of work with parents. In addition, the city of Austin pays for a parent support specialist in 62 schools that are designated low-income. This person is responsible for engaging families through such strategies as organizing and conducting parent training sessions; holding parent meetings to share information and get together input; and providing resource and referrals for supports, as needed. Parent support specialists are as well responsible for conducting outreach and creating parent leadership opportunities.

  • Cleveland's Family Appointment Plan offers a stiff framework for creating effective family unit engagement programs that support the district's implementation of community schools. The work is focused on expanding the capacity of schools to partner with families and community-based organizations to back up educatee achievement and schoolhouse improvement. For example, the district provides guidance for school teams to develop family date plans, which are reviewed by the Board of Education annually, according to their Parental and Family Involvement Policy (4.502). The district as well includes parents in planning districtwide goals, and each school is required to have parents on the School Improvement Planning team. Schools provide parents with preparation and materials to help them support students and engage as equal partners in the schools. The district also aims to build the capacity of teachers, principals, and parent coordinators to reach out and communicate with families as partners and build meaningful ties betwixt habitation and schoolhouse.

  • The Oakland Unified School Commune** began implementing a community schools initiative in 2010 as an integral office of its schoolhouse comeback strategy. Key to the strategy has been the increased efforts to create meaningful family unit and community engagement opportunities, and the creation of a district Family Resource Center. As it began the customs schools initiative, the district also created a task force comprised of 25 to 30 members from the schoolhouse commune and the community, including representatives from the E Bay Asian Youth Middle, and the Oakland Unity Quango, among others. This group met weekly for over seven months to plan and as well held community meetings to get together input about the customs schools.
    The community schools are supported by a robust and integrated programme at the district level for family and community engagement. The Function of Family unit Engagement uses a dual-capacity framework to help families and schools in creating structures to support shared decision-making and leadership. To encourage such efforts, they offer services and programs, such equally technical assistance with the formation and democratic ballot of Schoolhouse Governance Teams that include families and students; Academic Parent Teacher Teams through which teachers and families strategize on how to improve student learning; and parent leadership development and opportunities for deep engagement. The district Family unit Resource Middle provides families with health insurance enrollment help, diverse workshops, and chapters-building resources for school sites. With loftier standards for what Oakland schools consider meaningful family engagement, the district offers many resources for coordinating and planning engagement efforts; tools for agreement and addressing inequities as a result of race, form, gender, and clearing condition; and resource to help assess the impact of engagement plans.
    Oakland Unified School District has as well avant-garde a strong date model to develop its Local Control Accountability Programme, which details programme and spending priorities and is required nether the state's Local Control Funding Formula. For example, information technology has established a unique process for electing students, parents, and community members to ensure representation from across the racially and socioeconomically various commune.

School board and marriage contracts

  • In St. Paul, where there is a statewide community schools program, the president and members of the teachers' union identified the need to engage families and build more trusting relationships. They began conducting habitation visits using the Parent Teacher Home Visit model, designed to build trust and foster learning and sharing through authentic conversations betwixt teachers and parents. Prior to domicile visits, participating teachers receive training by a parent-teacher team. The marriage successfully bargained to include home visits in its contract and conducted 1,600 dwelling visits in the 2016–17 school year. Post-obit a circular of home visits, the teachers debrief together and find ways to integrate parents' concerns into the contracts they negotiate with the district. A recent study by RTI International plant that these kinds of home visits can be an constructive strategy for increasing empathy and reducing negative biases from teachers toward parents, while also helping parents feel more confident about interacting with school officials.

City council/local government policies

Urban center councils and city/canton regime agencies can as well play a role in supporting family unit and community appointment in customs schools. Related resolutions are often focused on intergovernmental collaboration, with an accent on partnering with the local school district equally the entity directly responsible for overseeing community schools.

  • In San Pablo, CA, the Urban center Council's resolution authorizing back up for full-service community schools (outlined in Affiliate 2) describes community schools as places where stakeholders work to address the needs of students, families, and the community. The City of San Pablo Customs School Initiative describes full-service customs schools in this style: "School district, city, county, customs and religion-based organizations, businesses, families, and philanthropists grade a strong, deep and transparent partnership to jointly accost the identified needs of students, families, and community in a comprehensive, integrated, and accountable way. They share leadership, work towards a common vision and calendar, and share responsibility for results." The axis of such rich engagement in community schools demonstrates the collaborative nature of the initiative at the school and district levels.

Mayoral leadership and resources

Mayoral support tin also assist to drive the local implementation of community schools and family and customs engagement equally an integral office of these efforts, as discussed in Chapter two. Mayors tin can exert influence through budgetary proposals and past directing city regime or local schoolhouse district resources to support customs schools (as in New York City).

  • New York City'southward Community School Strategic Plan** lays out the roadmap for the city to build and sustain its customs schools (which full 227 in 2018). The guide provides a model framework, as it encompasses all iv pillars of the customs schoolhouse model and lays out a funding strategy and a plan for organization-building efforts. The plan supports strong family and customs appointment, identifying parents and caregivers as "real and active partners" in their children'southward education and in building a stronger school community. Inside the community schools initiative, the family and community engagement plan includes establishing a positive, culturally relevant schoolhouse climate; fostering collaborative determination-making with broad participation from stakeholders; employing a strategy of family unit and community engagement with multiple opportunities for participation; making the school a hub for families and the community; and fully integrating the broader community and civilisation into the school through activities such equally customs tours and service provider fairs to share information on available resources. Finally, it encourages family and customs engagement through the School Leadership Squad (discussed in more detail in Chapter half-dozen), which is a governing body at the school level that includes family and community members, equally well as students.

In **New York Urban center**, parent and community organizations played a pivotal role in making education a key campaign issue in the 2013 mayoral ballot. The efforts of these organized parents and customs members led to business firm mayoral commitment to a citywide community school initiative. Because of their organizing and advocacy, these groups were positioned to support and challenge the district to implement the strategy finer. The groups came together under the banner of the Coalition for Customs Schoolhouse Excellence, which is comprised of over 40 Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), advocacy groups, and pedagogy organizations. The Coalition's stated priorities include ensuring that schools are using research-based instructional strategies that are coordinated with student supports; securing and communicating clear benchmarks for progress; ensuring that there are structures to back up the schools; and edifice public support to sustain and expand the model by grooming and organizing parents and engaging elected officials. Working with the district's Role of Community Schools, the Coalition members back up organisation-level responses to ideas and challenges that CBO staff experience in schools. This has led to improved relationships betwixt principals and customs schoolhouse directors, more targeted supports for schools, and processes to meliorate implementation.

District family and community-level engagement plans

  • In Albuquerque, NM, the public schools have a robust policy that affirms that family and customs engagement is critical to pupil success. It creates processes for collaborative decision making, includes capacity building to ensure meaningful engagement, and provides integrated supports for students and families. The Family Engagement Collaborative brings the New United mexican states PTA together with a number of district departments, including Coordinated School Health; Counseling; Nursing; Curriculum and Instruction; Equity and Engagement; Student, Schools and Community Service Middle; Family Appointment/Parent University Unit; and more. Charged with strengthening relationships and capacities with families, schools, communities, and commune administration, using data for comeback, and expanding communication between entities, the Collaborative seeks to integrate schoolhouse and district-level family unit engagement plans. These efforts, in conjunction with the Parent University Leadership, which builds the capacity of families to support pupil learning and expand family engagement efforts at their school, support continuously improved engagement plans. Schools can meliorate their date plans through the School Training for Appointment Planning (Step) workshops for schoolhouse staff and administrators. In the Stride plan, participants learn nigh best practices for family engagement, are supported in developing a comprehensive research and data-based plan and receive follow-up coaching and technical assistance to support implementation. The district also provides tools and resources for schools to use to appraise their current practices and make goals for improved practice.

  • In Hartford, CT, district leaders, together with community organizations and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, engaged more than 200 stakeholders to create a Family and Community Appointment Plan that includes implementing the customs school model. In add-on to the extensive consultation with community members and organizations, the program relies on inquiry, including Karen Mapp'southward Dual Chapters-Edifice Framework.26 It advances educational equity past: (1) embedding family and community engagement into the core processes and day-to-mean solar day work of the district and schools; (two) identifying and promoting practices that connect families and partners to learning outcomes and goals of students; (3) fostering capacity- and trust-building and engagement of all stakeholders; and (iv) advancing the shared commitment and investment of the entire community. While this is currently a local programme, supporters are working to expand information technology to the state level.


  • See more Implementation Resources

Loftier-quality programs do not happen by gamble. They effect from policy choices, resource allocations, and technical assistance that back up both staff chapters and student participation. They also depend on active family unit and customs engagement.

Characteristics of high-quality implementation

Family unit and community appointment efforts can be undermined by uncoordinated programs and competing priorities at both the school and commune level. Improving the integration and coherence of such programs throughout the school and district, including providing needed professional person development for teachers and school staff, can ameliorate implementation. When done well, family and customs date results in shifts in culture, beliefs, and practices. Some of the benefits that tin can exist achieved include the post-obit:

  • Staff and families take a greater sense of condolement and cocky-efficacy equally they engage in partnership activities and work beyond unlike cultures.
  • Staff are committed to working every bit partners with families and believe in the value of such partnerships for improving student learning.
  • Families view themselves every bit partners in their children's education and support their children's learning.

The following characteristics of high-quality implementation draw from the U.S. Department of Education'south Dual Capacity Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships, which recommends practices that back up the capacity of both families and schoolhouse members to engage in partnership, rather than focusing exclusively on families.

  1. School and commune staff incorporate local knowledge from the communities they serve into community schoolhouse practices and curriculum. These staff members must also exist trained in and demonstrate cultural competency, so they can build trusting relationships with families and community members.

  2. Families have piece of cake access to information about student learning and how the schoolhouse system works.

  3. There are regular, consistent, and bidirectional channels of communication between families and school staff to brand sure families know how their children are doing and are enlightened of school programs, events, and opportunities.

  4. Parents accept access to capacity-building opportunities to appoint in advocacy and provide educational back up for their children.

  5. Staff and families accept potent, cross-cultural networks built on trust and respect that increase their chapters to support students' development. These networks include family—teacher relationships, parent-parent relationships, and connections with community agencies and services.

  6. Efforts to expand learning opportunities draw on the cognition and opportunities of families and communities to develop rich opportunities for easily-on learning in schools and neighborhoods.

  7. Schools include families and community members in decision making, planning, nugget and needs assessments, evaluations, and implementations.

  8. Integrated student supports are planned and executed with families and customs members to ensure they run into needs and create regular opportunities for date.

  9. Partner organizations that are trusted within the customs are incorporated into the school past a total-fourth dimension community school managing director.


22 Castrechini, S., & London, R. A. (2012). Positive student outcomes in community schools. Washington, DC: Center for American Progress.
23 Castrechini, Due south., & London, R. A. (2012); Biag, M., & Castrechini, S. (2016). Coordinated strategies to help the whole child: Examining the contributions of full-service community schools. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 21(iii), 157–173
24 Bryk, A. S., Sebring, P. B., Allensworth, E., Easton, J. Q., & Luppescu, South. (2010). Organizing Schools for Improvement: Lessons from Chicago. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
25 Mapp, Karen Fifty and Kuttner, P. (2014). Partners in Education: A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family unit – School Partnerships.
26 Partners for Each and Every Child. Process and protestation, California: How are districts engaging stakeholders in LCAP development? http://partnersforeachandeverychild.org/process-and-protestation-california/.
27 C.R.S. § 22-seven-301(two), 2012
28 Mapp, Karen L and Kuttner, P. (2014).

Come across all Endnotes


Source: https://communityschools.futureforlearning.org/chapter-5

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